Карта Западного Техаса V2.1.0.4 FS19

West Texas Map V2.1.0.4 FS19
West Texas Map V2.1.0.4 FS19
West Texas Map V2.1.0.4 FS19
West Texas Map V2.1.0.4 FS19

Карта Западного Техаса V2.1.0.4 FS19

Особенности мода:

Автор: Models and the scripts in the map is not mine such as the ethanol plant nor the meat factory. I will give out the proper credits to them folk’s down below as to assets i used from that particular map or script. Keep in mind I don’t know if its that persons model or not. If I missed somebody it wasn’t done by bad intentions. Danjelmc, ccs101, Farmer Andy, Daze Farms, Taylor Farms, KS Mapping, DrtyDiesel Modding, GtX | Andy, modelleicher, Ifko[nator, reallogger, Farmer_Schubi, Daniel (Desperados93) W. / GIANTS Software GmbH, by igor29381, Sven777b Mappers Paradise/The Subbie

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